Audio Recapture
Rescue Your family, Church, & Corporate Recordings & Images From The Wild

Are You Longing to ReCapture your old personal, family, church,
or corporate sound recordings and restore them
from the wild of outdated formats?

Larry Heather can transfer them from Reel to Reel, Cassette, 8 Track,
or Phonograph and Video Soundtracks TO CD or Mp3 formats. And with active listening
he can also give topic breakdowns and matching tracks. These are labeled in
a way that can be used effectively by yourself and the generations that follow.

He can also amplify the sound, edit out spaces and mis-spoken words and lessen the defects found in the
original recording process, provided the flexibility is there to work with in the original.
REASONABLE RATES: The fee is $15 (Cnd) per hour of labor,( minimum charge of $25 for small jobs),
plus shipping and handling if applicable. This fee includes your first two complete copies onto
CD's. Additional copies are $5 per individual CD.

I can accept cash or personal check/money order and will be adding PayPal in the near future.
Your original source media will be returned to you along with the final restored recording.
Larry can also do LIVE recording of interviews with Family History Makers to pass on
to the generations.
Hear the Audio ReCapture Radio Commercial!

Contact Larry Below for any questions you may have.

Larry Heather
P0 Box 42141
Southland Crossing Postal Outlet
Calgary, Alberta Canada T2J 7A6
Phone: 403-253-0676
or Email AT:

Meet Larry

Larry Heather has ten years of experience as a Producer and
Host of AM1140 Gospel Road from High River Alberta with
145 one hour shows in his repetoire.
He has done extensive on site recorded interviews for Gospel Road
as well as in his role as Research and Website director for the

William Aberhart Historical Foundation.
Larry is keen on the vital importance of preserving history
from the past.

It makes sense to convert older-format tapes to digital audio files that can be played
in a CD player, on your computer, or in an iPod or other MP3 player.
· Among the benefits of converting your recordings to digital are:
· It is easy to make multiple backup copies of digital recordings.
· You can e-mail, upload and download digital recordings, or post them to a website.
· Digital format indicates the precise minutes and seconds throughout the recording.

NEW! - Slides Conversion
to DVD Slide Movies Now an offered service.

NOTE: At this time, Larry does process video VHS . Larry cannot gaurantee that fragile, scratched or brittle recording mediums
will all survive the transfer process without risk of further damage, although great care is taken to avoid such damage.